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Simple Range Picker

Yet another javascript date picker component


Inspiration for this component came from the Flash-based date range picker you can see on Google Analytics and Stephen Celis's Timeframe component. It's sort of a mix of the two.


new RangePicker(element[, options, locale, template]);

For insight on the options available or what attributes may be supported by the locale and template objects, please take a look at the README on the github project page.




Please, pick a date range from the component below:

Generated from the code below (check source code for more detail):

      <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
          document.observe(ɽom:loaded', function() {
            new RangePicker('rangepicker', {
                months: 3,
                currentMonthPosition: 'last'


You can download this project in either zip or tar formats.

You can also clone the project with Git by running:

$ git clone git://


This project depends on the following libraries:


Localization can be accomplished by modifying the strings present in RangePickerOptions.Locale object. Also, as this project relies on the Datejs library for date manipulation, dropping a localized culture info file will do the job for date formats, day names, etc.


Coded by Estanislau Trepat. Released under the terms of the MIT License.

You may reach me with questions/comments at